
Worship service

July 28, 2024 10:30 am

Join us for a time of great fellowship, live music, worship, teachings and rejoicing as we celebrate God together.

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First time visitor? .... Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!!

Welcome to Church!

No dull moment

Welcome to the Victorious Family Parish – Abundant Life for All Nations.

There is always something for everyone, live music, the word of God spoken in power, prayer, fellowship, worship drama, celebrations and many more.

Why don’t you join us one of these service days and experience for your self the presence of the Almighty God. A warm welcome awaits you and your loved ones.

There are a variety of meetings not just on Sunday but during the week also, these consist of Bible study on Wednesday where we take the time to explore the rich treasures of the word of God and apply it to everyday situations around us.

On Fridays, we meet for a time of prayer fellowship during which the Lord ministers to us as we lift up to Him the needs of individuals, families, communities, Nations and indeed the world at large.

Do not forsake the company of one another, be a part of the family of the Lord, Iron sharpeneth iron.

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  • Welcome To Your Season of Harvest


    July 10, 2014

  • A New Vision of Life


    July 10, 2014


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